Left Side:
At the top is a picture of me modeling a new hat I got in exchange for a review. I wasn't going to include it but then thought I should make an effort to add myself too. Plus, since blogging is such a big part of my life it should show up in Project Life.
Next to it is ER modeling her fabulous new pair of Twinkle Toe shoes. They are all the rage with her friends and she's had to wait all year for her feet to out grow the perfectly good pair she already had. She managed to get them right before the end of the year and was super excited to wear them to school and show them off.
The bottom two pictures on the page are very emotional for us. They're the last time we had some of our dear friends over for a play date before their family moved to Texas. I still get all choked up when I think of how much we are going to miss these neighbors! They lived right down our back path and it's hard for me to believe they won't be running in and out of our house all summer long.
I used two really great freebies as journaling cards this week. Just don't read the text too closely or you'll notice a typo, when I rewrote part of a sentence and forgot to add a word.
The Sunday card is from Melissa at A Vegas Girl at Heart, who provides a wealth of fabulous freebies on her blog. These make me want all her digital supplies too. I've currently got these Days of the Week and Love Photoshop Overlays and Brushes on my wish list. She also creates fantastic Project Life pages, so she's one to visit regularly for inspiration.
The Diamond Jubilee card is from Catherine at Design Editor, another fabulous Project Lifer with lots of great ideas and eye candy on her site. I am particularly fond of her Font Friday posts and get lot of ideas for different perspectives and angles for photos from her photography.
I added a bit of text inside the silhouette and love it. I changed to shade of pink slightly to match the pink of Saturday's journaling card. Since you can see them both at the same time, I thought this would give the spread a more coordinated look.
Right Side:
The end of Kindergarten was rough, for Mommy, and I'm glad there was a Garden Party to wrap up the year at the beginning of the week for a sense of closure. It was very cute and I managed to enjoy it, despite feeling a little stressed out about needing to finish the class photo books for each child. I managed to get them delivered on time and it was a load off my mind! The Documented journaling card is by Kristina, from One Happy Mama.
The second half of the page is all about the dance recital. The family photos taken at home as well as the decorations I made for the party. You can see more of those in the Twinkle Toes post. I also included two of our tickets next to the Saturday card from Crystal.
The actual last day of school was on Friday and I covered in a 6X12 insert. I created a 12X12 in PS Elements, printed it at Costco and then simply cut in half. The page protector I stitched and cut as usual. Even though it's simple enough to customize them myself, I'm looking forward to ordering some along with the other new plastics when they arrive.
Insert To Be Finished:
For some reason when I sent pictures to be developed I forgot to include the dance recital photos from Thursday so I will have to do that ASAP. I'm bummed I can't share it with you as I took some really lovely pictures of ER in her outfits, some of my favorites of her. I intend to scrap a 8.5X11 layout and slip it in one side of a protector and keep the program from the actual performance on the other.
There's a story behind the big dress rehearsal that I want to make sure I record, as it was the first time ER has been in more than one dance. It was quite a production to coordinate the three costume and shoe changes. To make things even more hectic, I've been having terrible allergies and got allergen induced pink eye that day. It's not contagious, just the result of overly irritated eyes but I looked a mess.
I couldn't go out looking the way I did. I'm sure the other mother's wouldn't have liked me being around their kids looking like I had the plague for the eye...contagious or not. Brad had to come home and take ER, get her in and out of costumes and ready her for formal pictures. I wasn't too sure about trusting him to get it all done, even though I know he's capable I wanted to be the one doing it. But some times events are out of ones hands. He did a great job, even if the camera battery died and he wasn't able to take many photos.
Linking up to The Mom Creative.

10 Friends Said:
Love the Elizabeth journal card and the insert!
These are great. Bummer about your eye and then the battery dying! What a crazy day that must have been!
Great layouts! I can't wait for my new project life order to arrive! :)
Oh, thanks for such a nice mention! Great idea to journal inside the silohuette. Fun pages!
Oh fab - I love your Queen silhouette journalled inside - that worked out fab. Love the last day of kindergarten large photo. She looks so lovely!
Thanks so much for the shout out! The card looks great, so does your whole layout. Love your collages :)
Great pages Katie! Love your enlargements & love the picture of the colorful shoes!!
Hi Katie, love your pages, the inserts are wonderful and lov'in the Elizabeth card, sorry to hear your friends have moved away, thank god for phones and emails so you can catch up, even though its not quite the same
I really love the enlarged photo. Great pages :)
Your pages are so fun! Love the great mix of stuff!
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