Yesterday when I went to get my hair cut for the first time since November, I went to a new hair stylist and as usual one of the first things out of her mouth was," You have such lovely wave and curl to your hair, how often do you style it naturally?" You see, I've known some people literally for years before they have any inkling that I have any curl to my hair what so ever. I am normally strictly a blow and go kind of gal. To humor her, I let her style it all wavy. For some reason every stylist I've ever been to wants to do this, but for me I think it looks messy and undone, especially in pictures. What do you think, should I give my heating tools a break this summer and let Michigan's humidity help give my hair some bounce?
20 Friends Said:
hi! i think its cute; and you SO LOOK like your daughter in this pic!! or she really looks like you! go with the messy, tousled look; thats how i love my hair best! that way people can't figure out if you are having a bad hair day; or if you are just a WILD WOMAN!!!! lol
noelle ♥
I think it looks great too! I wish I had curl in my hair!!
I love your curly little secret:)
I'm jealous. I pay big $$ in the summer to get a little wave so I can leave the blow dryer home when we camp.
Never pose this question to a girl with only two waves on her whole head.
Love the curly!
Cute! Heating tools are so mean to my hair that I always leave them alone! ♥
YES!!! I LOVE it!
We got our package yesterday! THANK YOU so much! I took pictures of the girl's very excited faces as they opened it! We already made one thing and they are already asking to do another this morning! :)
I love your curls! I think they are so beautiful.
I have curly hair and I use a 400* flat iron to straighten it every day!
I like your curls. Go for it. I'm one who has natural waves in my hair and I want it straight. So I flat iron when I have time, but a lot of times I just go wavy. I say go for it. I'm trying to let mine grow out in hopes that I'll like my waviness better long.
Thanks for all your comments.
I would have died to have your beautiful wavy hair in junior and senior high school! I tried perming my hair!! Frizzy and then flat on top frizzy on the bottom as it grew out! I say embrace the curls...they are not only gorgeous but probably easier to do in the morning! I got my hair cut last night too! I cut off about 6 inches. I said good bye to my sad omnipresent ponytail and am now sporting a BOB :-)
I like too. It will help make your hair really really healthy too...give it break from all the heat, save on your power bill too...okay like $5.00, maybe but $5 is $5!
As a person with stick-straight, super fine, boring hair... I'd say that you should enjoy that curl!! I am so jealous. It looks gorgeous, really great.
Katie, your hair cut is super cute! You have beautiful hair. I had no idea it was curly. I think you should give it a try...at least for the spring/summer. It's darling & hopefully easy.
See you tomorrow?
Katie- I love your hair. Coming from a person with wavy hair I would rather have one or the other not somewhere in the middle. I love your hair!! I think you should stick with the curls. My sister has really curly hair like you and when she puts it in a twist with curls on top, it looks so good!! It is like she just had it styled. God made you with curly hair you should be proud of it!!
I love it. Let that hair do its thing!
I think you should definitely wear your hair curly! You really do have a very nice curl to it. Plus, I think it would be a lot less work. And, like you mentioned, the humidity can be rough and I think the curls will tolerate it much better.
Looks great! Haven't seen the curls in a while - you've got a lot!! Mom/Grammy
I think your hair looks great.
Your hair looks so cute!!
kari & kijsa
I just read that in Paris it is a trend for this summer to leave your hair all natural. So, no blower! I like your curls a lot!
Your hair looks pretty wavy. But I know what you mean. I used to blow dry it straight all the time. Even after I get a perm. My stylist also wants to keep it curly.
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