In what is surely a requirement of childhood, we went on a preschool field trip to a farm, in a neighboring town last week. It was nice that it was one we'd never have found otherwise and so it was a little different. It was even nicer that by the time the afternoon class went, it had warmed up quite a bit from when the morning class was there. We still had to bundle up though.

All the normal activities, were there to do. Lots of animals to see, that we could get up close too. It was fun to see the baby calves and pony. The kids each had the opportunity to milk the goat but that was a definite no go for ER. She still is very nervous around goats for some reason. When we got our feed, she didn't feed them so much as throw food at them. But as the lady who owns the farm said, at least she really liked tossing the food in their general direction.

There were all sorts of animals, but what one was she the most excited about? Yep, it was the kittens. Great, a twenty minute drive to obsesses over kittens, when we have two cats at home. That was all she could talk about when asked about the field trip. In fact, she wants to take Daddy back. To show him the kittens. It was pretty thrilling for her, because for the first time she got to hold a cat, for like three seconds. Somehow I managed to capture one of them above. She doesn't really know how to do it, so she couldn't quite get a hold of this one well. To hear her talk about it, it was the most exciting moment of her life.

To be honest, all the girls were hyped up by the kittens but we did manage to get them on the wagon to go out to the pumpkin patch. The rule was, carry it and it's yours. So naturally my child kept going for the really huge ones, sized so big that I would have a hard time picking it up. The one she's looking at above she rejected because it, "It just NOT right mama. No, no, no good."

We did finally compromise on a pumpkin, but as she told me the whole way home that was MY pumpkin. She's going with Daddy to get hers, she told me in a bit of a huff. She gets so determined sometimes, just cracks me up and for some reason when I burst out laughing when she said that, she didn't find it amusing one bit.
After the hay ride back we had cider and donuts before checking out the hay maze. That was something completely new for ER. She's never been in one before, and really didn't know why on earth we'd want to be in one. She kept saying, "But why mommy, why we in here?" Telling her it was fun didn't seem to convince her one bit. One of the kittens came into the maze, which meant we had to follow it and run after it. That she liked.

The last thing we did was climb all over these large hay rolls they had set up. There were even a few slides attached to some. Being the physical kid she is, ER loved climbing all around. She'd have stayed for hours. It was a really nice field trip, with a good variety of things to do and well paced.
7 Friends Said:
What fun memories you are making! I hope you are having a wonderful fall!
We did something very similar on Saturday but no kitties! Glad she enjoyed herself!
She's adorable. It is so funny what captures their attention. We recently went on vacation to Hawaii and went to all sorts of zoos, aquarium, a sea life park, and at one point our 2 year oldwas thrilled to just run up and down the stairs in a video room at the aquarium. We asked him his favorite part of Hawaii: yup, the stairs. We also drove to a helicopter tour. Did he like the helicopter tour more or going under the highway bridges? "Bridges." Ha, but I think it is all sinking in anyway. you're giving her great memories.
I can't wait for Saturday. I am taking the kids to the fall petting zoo and the pumpkin patch. She is to cute!
Lu missed her trip - poor thing was sick. Looks like great fun. Climbing on the hay looks like FUN!
Sounds like she had a lot of fun! Of course it is the kittens that captures her attention! Too funny. Great pictures!
We had fun at our patch too!
I love the picture of ER in the corn maze and climbing up on the hay bale:-). Adorable!!
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