My daughter turned six last month and two of her friends gave her Polly Pocket sets as birthday gifts. While my kiddo has no shortage of toys, those were our introduction to the world of Polly Pocket. ER really liked them and was already talking about wanting to add to her collection. I'm not sure who was more excited, her or I, when the opportunity to try out some new Polly Pocket play sets came my way through Mom Central. As part of the blog tour I will be featuring Mattel's Polly Pocket on my blog both this month and the next. The coolest part, naturally, is getting to check out all the newest toys!
A few weeks ago a Polly Pocket Hangout House arrived and we had to open it immediately! ER was literally squealing and jumping up with excitement. This lightweight play house has three levels of rooms, elevator, spinning "staircase", and pet basket. It's coolest features include a bed that flips over to turn into a roof top pool.
Polly Pocket heading up on the elevator.
It's time to swim now, but later it'll turn into a bed!Time for a snack with my favorite pet pooch and some delicious looking treats, all of which come with the set. There's lot to play with!
The addition of the larger sized suction cups on the accessories makes this toy idea for being played with inside and out. They make it less likely that bits and pieces will get lost during transportation. My daughter has taken her set outside onto the back porch and up onto the playhouse, that's part of her play structure. When she carries it up the ladder the pieces stay put and we haven't had any problems with parts coming off and dropping into the grass. We also put the entire thing into a fabric container box and took it over to Grammy & Papa's house, everything made it there and back safely. There were no loose pieces in the box.
Besides the Polly Pocket Hangout House we also got a Stick N'Play Room to expand our set. This is the kitchen. The extra sets are nice because you can easily slide them into the house to expand your play area. My daughter enjoyed how the pie is sized just right to actually fit inside of the stove and the little mixer is one of her favorite pieces of her entire Polly Pocket collection. I was happy to see that the Kerstie® doll that included was a brunette, providing a bit of diversity to the dolls.
More Stick N'Play rooms are available all of which also slide into the main Hangout House frame. There's a Patio and a Game Room both of which look like a lot of fun and are on ER's wish list. In fact, if I had to choose Stick N'Play Rooms to purchase first I would pick one of those two over the Kitchen just because I think they provide a bit more variety. The Polly Pocket Hangout House already comes with a kitchen like room and accessories like a refrigerator.
I can already tell that Polly Pocket is going to become a big part of my six year old's playtime and that her collection will continue to grow. She has been wanting toys that were more mature than some of her preschool aged sets now that she is going into first grade. Polly Pocket's hip appearance, modern accessories, and smaller pieces fit the bill perfectly. I know she likes Polly Pocket but I'll let her tell you in her own words what she thinks in the video below. (Subscribers will need to click over to view.)

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Mattel Polly Pocket. I received a product samples and a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.
2 Friends Said:
Cute! Abby would love this!
That looks so fun!
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