Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Love Note

We've been working a lot on writing lately, and recently ER asked me to write "I love Mommy" so she could copy/write it all by herself. I think I'll be keeping her first attempt at almost four years old forever♥

Part of Wordless Wednesday at: Five Minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, Two of a Kind Working on a Full House and Wordful Wednesday at Seven Clown Circus.

15 Friends Said:

Laura said...

That is so sweet! :)

***Sharon*** said...

Frame it!!! Keep it forever. So sweet!

Amber Dawn said...

That is so so precious...

Dee said...

oh , that tugs at my heart! SOOOO sweet!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome job! This is something to hold on to.

Natalie said...

What a clever girl! So cute!

Jaedyn said...

Oh my goodness, SO cute! I can't wait until my little one can say it and write it. :)

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

So cute!!! She did a great job! Way to go ER!! :-)

MaryAnne said...

SO sweet!

Rebecca said...

Aw, what a precious gift! I cant wait until my kiddos can write me love notes :)

Nicole said...

That is so sweet! I love when LC writes us notes. Melts my heart!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

That is too sweet, def keep it forever! She is doing fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet is that! She did a fantastic job.

Vickie said...

Precious! said...

Awwwww I love this - there is a gigantic smile on my face right now from the sweetness!

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