Family time is so important! I have so many good memories of the times spent with my mom, dad, and yes even my little brother Dave growing up. I remember playing games and watching movies with popcorn on Friday nights. How we used to take a family trip every summer, and being dragged to countless museums and other cultural spots...places I fully intend to take my own daughter so I guess all that forced exposure did have an impact after all.
We do a lot of things together but over time we always seem to find ourselves doing special things over and over. Some of our favorite things to do together include:

Visiting the Zoo: We've taken ER to four different ones so far, and can't wait to add more.

Playing at the Park: This local park is one we like to meet our friends at for playdates and is where we took family pictures last fall. On this day the power went out and Daddy was out of work for awhile and got play with us.

Building Sand Castles: ER's first trip to the beach was quite different from the last. It took her over an hour to touch the sand but once she got used to it...well, she's been covered with it ever since.

Eating Ice Cream: There was no hesitation getting into this family tradition. I'm afraid it's MY side of the family known for this one! A visit to Grammy's and Papa's almost always means ice cream will be eaten at some point.

Being Creative! I know there is ample proof of this one on the blog, but I wanted to share this picture because no one ever believes me that at one point ER looked a little bit like, as Brad lovingly called her, "Daddy's Little Dude," so glad the hair has finally grown in!
We also love exploring new places and going on day trips, visiting our library and browsing the bookstore, and eating out☺ What things do you like to do as a family? Please leave your suggestions in the comments. I'm always looking for new things we can do and experience together!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and LEGO blogging program, making me eligible to get a prize pack. For more information on how you can participate,
click here.
3 Friends Said:
those are wonderful family traditions Katie...
Family Time is Happy Time!
I love these types of outings too! For fun, I asked my 2 year old what places he likes to go with us, and he said, "to the library and to the zoo and to the aviary [which we just went to yesterday, so it is fresh on his mind]." I also like to take him to free day - generally once/month - at the art museum, natural history museum, etc. I have been scouting out all of the free days and I stick them in my calendar. :)
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