It's a beautiful sunny day in Michigan with temperatures in the mid 70s. We spent all morning playing with some friends at huge nearby play structure. It was so lovely being outdoors. It made me appreciate our beautiful planet so much! There is just something about being out in nature that makes everything better.
I had quite a big blogger moment a couple of days ago, I hit one hundred followers! To show my appreciation of all the wonderful people I've meet since beginning Katie's Nesting Spot I wanted to do a giveaway. Being that today is Arbor Day and Earth Day was this week, a Green Giveaway seemed called for!

In honor of Earth Day and being green so we can help preserve all the wonder of Mother Nature for many more generations, I'm giving away a reusable Sigg bottle. The one pictured right above to be exact. I thought this one would be a great design that anyone would want to carry, plus the saying on the back is so fun!
Have you heard of Sigg reusable bottles? I first saw them at Whole Foods Market, and I've seen them in more and more in kid's boutiques or places that specialize in green merchandise. My daughter has a cute pink princess kids Sigg that her Papa got her and she loves it. It's so nice to have simple and stylish way to reduce waste and care for the earth. Plus we always know which drink it hers, it stands out among a sea of juice boxes.
Here is a description from their website:
SIGG bottles are innovative, functional, go-anywhere and totally suited for leisure and sporting activities. Small wonder, then, that the market leader is also the winner in consumer tests and sets the competitive pace – just as one would expect of a true original.
The first bottle in the truest sense of the word. SIGG bottles: the original. Often copied but never matched, because behind each bottle is Swiss know-how and pure high-tech.
Bottle Top
Sport bottle top
The three-stage technology: just one turn, pull twice, put it to your mouth – ready to drink. Leak-proof in two positions. Perfect for sport activities.
Bottle engineering
The Bottle body
Extruded from a single piece of pure aluminium, no seams
Highest stability with lowest weight
Rich colors achieved with a solvent-free coating powder
100% recyclable
The internal coating
Guaranteed to be taste-neutral and resistant to fruit acids and isotonic drinks according to an independent testing institute (Nehring, Germany)
Fulfills FDA requirements (Food & Drug Administration USA)
Elastic and unbreakable
Will not peel off, even if dented on the outside
Learn more about Sigg and how using one helps the environment by going to their website, approximate retail value: $20

You MUST be a follower, as hey this is in honor of reaching 100! Thanks for coming along with me! If you aren't one but visit often, now is the time to join up! Anyone who becomes a follower during the time the giveaway is open is also eligible.
Leave me a comment telling me how you try to help the environment. The giveaway will be open until Sunday May 3rd at midnight. I'll draw and announce winner on Monday May 4th, good luck!
27 Friends Said:
Thanks for this superb giveaway! I was following you through my Google Reader, but I'm now officially a follower. I'm dying to own a Sigg bottle, but my husband would probably never speak to me again if I spent $20 on one. So I really, really hope I win. Plus my birthday is May 7th so how cool would that be to win.
Anyway, we try to help the environment by reusing our plastic bags as trash bags, instead of buying trash bags. We are going to use cloth diapers with our second baby. We turn off the lights when we aren't using them; we reuse tons of stuff as craft material and we only use one car.
Hi there bloggy friend! Well, this is wonderful. Congrats on making it to 100! Great job.
I'm already a follower.
We help the environment by shopping at thrift stores, by using to offer items we no longer want to others (and therefore keeping them out of the landfills), we recycle, we have solar panels on our home to help with heating our water and general heat.... many other things! thanks again!
I hope some of your luck will rub off on me! We try to help the environment by using cloth shopping bags, reusing materials to make fun crafts, not wasting resources (conserving water & electricity), and most importantly setting an example for our girls. Have a great weekend!
Hey, Hey, Hey! Congrats on hitting 100 peeps! Your blog is never boring:)
We try to do our part for the Earth. We recycle everything we can. sometimes it is a pain in the caboose, but we feel good when we thing about it. We also use cloth bags at Meijer, but not Walmart. The cashiers give me an attitude. Also, I unplug stuff I am not using. Even if it is off, it still steals electricity. I even save a couple of bucks. A couple of bucks is a couple of bucks!!
Congratulations on 100 followers! So glad that I found your site - it's been inspirational!
Helping the environment - trying to do more esp. since my daughter is getting older and is understanding more and more about taking care of the earth. Recycling, reusing, etc. It's been fun for me to recycle/reuse different fabrics for different purposes. Turning curtains into a skirt, pillowcases into a dress, etc. Oh! And one of your ideas! Turning an egg carton into a matching game! ;)
I've been wanting Sigg bottles for my family for sometime now but I haven't wanted to spend the money. I would love to win one. As for helping the enviroment my family composts, recycles, washes dishes by hand w/o the water running continuously, we drive only one car and we have 3 children, we shop at thrift stores and garage sales, use freecycle and craigslist, have our own garden. I'm sure I could think of more. Anyways congratulations on having 100 followers, I love your blog!
I had never heard of Siggs but I would love to own one!! They look really handy and I love doing my part.
To help the environment I recycle, reuse, my motto is 'waste not want not' so many things in our home has multi-purposes or will one day find a purpose for it. I will carry around batteries, paint, & light bulbs in my car until I make a trip to the proper recycling home. Drives my husband crazy!!!
I love reading your blog! I am now a follower. :) We are really trying to live green. Our biggest ways are cloth diapering and we switched to a HE washer and dryer, we are surprised at what a difference they make!
I have EIGHT followers Katie!! :)
We use our clothesline in the warmer months to dry our clothes, but mainly our diapers that take much longer in the electric dryer. I looove doing one load of wash every morning to put out on the line to dry all day.
Oooh! You know I love giveaways. Congrats on you 100 followers. I am almost there. I like to help the environment by recycling. I recycle plastic, cans, and newspapers/paper!
Count me in! Congrats on 100 followers. I have... nine. :) I try to help the environment by taking short showers- or maybe I just take short showers because I always have an audience of two little girls! I also recycle, use reusable grocery bags and when my lease on my car runs out I plan to purchase an eco-friendly car and use biodiesel.
Congratulations on 100 followers! We recycle everything possible. Eric makes sure of this! I make sure all the lights are turned off when we aren't using them.
Wow, 100 followers! Congrats!
We finally gave up paper napkins and paper towels in our family! And switched to toilet paper made from recycled paper!
We bring cloth bags with us everywhere, recycle, borrow baby clothes and items from friends, and loan them onwards, we drink tap water, take public transit and walk as much as possible.... we use gDiapers for our baby most of the time. We have high efficiency light bubls. Working on getting high efficiency appliances.
Hola! I'm responding to your blog (@ least, I think I am) for the first time.
Yeah! It worked! :)
Congrats on reaching 100, Katie! Quite a milestone! This is an awesome giveaway!
I'm a total treehugger! I'm fanatical about recycling, and not just about plastic, glass, aluminum, paper, etc. I recently had a tea kettle which I wanted to replace. I just didn't have the heart to throw it away knowing it would sit in a landfill for hundreds of years. After many phone calls, I finally tracked down a recycling center that would accept it! I was so happy!!!!
This is a really cool bottle!
I live in a place where saving the planet and being green is unheard of. Nevertheless, my family and I try to be as green as possible. I would always refuse plastic bags as well as paper bags from the store and instead use my shopping bag, and because of this, I would always get amusing smile from the cashier. My husband would ask me if those smirks were okay, and I said, yes it is! Who knows other people might like to follow my lead! And besides, it always have to start with somebody.
Very cool water bottle! And congratulations on reaching 100 followers! That is a fantastic milestone and one you deserve!!! We all love following you Katie!
To help with the environment, we of course recycle, but we also plant a garden each year which I think helps as well. We try to re-use whenever possible.
Congrats on all the followers! I am so glad to be a follower and be able to read your great posts each day! Thanks for all you share!
I decided to do my small part in conserving the earth. We switched to cloth diapers for the baby. Today's the first day! We'll see what I think in a week...
Congratulations on 100 followers! You have a great blog!
I've been trying to be really careful to make sure all electricity is off when we're not using it, we recycle and I've been really trying to use less water these last few weeks. I'll also start hanging clothes out now that its nice.
Congrats on the 100!
We recycle, of course, but also reuse! We refill plastic water bottles if we use them and use the back of all those school notices and jusnk mail for shopping lists and notes! Thanks for a fun giveaway...I am very new to the whole blogging world and I enjoy your blog very much.
I love these bottles. Great giveaway.
I use my own bags for groceries. And I amost always remember them. I also have a bag in my purse for mall or Target type purchases. I've gotten good at always having something. Sometimes I just carry my things out without one :)
Hee, hee, I had to check to see if I was a follower or just had you in my reader. I love my clothesline and try to use it every chance I get. I would encourage everyone to give the line a try this summer!
Okay, so I am finally a follower too...Sometimes you just need a bit of motivation!
Congrats on 100...and 114 (me). :)
I am a follower now. Who Hoo. I hope I win. I have been wanting to buy one of these bottles. How great would it be to win it instead.
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