Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Upcycled Easter Treat Containers

What works for me, for this weeks Works for Me Wednesday, is turning these empty toddler snack containers....Into these cute Easter treat containers!

To make your own all you need are some basic papercrafting supplies:
  • Solid colored cardstock
  • Patterned Paper
  • Wired Ribbon
  • Embellishments of Your Choice
  • Basic Tool Kit: Paper Trimmer, Ruler, Adhesive of Choice, Anywhere Hole Punch

Begin by measuring your containers and cutting cardstock into strips to cover. I used spray adhesive to save time but double sided tape would work too. I've used mod podge before but then you have to sand the container a bit and add drying time. Cut patterned paper slightly smaller than colored cardstock and adhere. I used scalloped scissors to add a decorative edge but this could be skipped. Measure inside and cut cardstock to fit inside and attach. I didn't bother covering the bottom as I put a layer of paper towel and then Easter grass inside.I have a Crop-a-Dile II, which is a special tool that will punch through thick material so I used it to punch two holes, one on each side. These particular containers are made out of thick cardboard, and before I had a Crop-a-Dile I used my anywhere hole punch that I also use for setting eyelets and snaps when scrapbooking.String ribbon through holes from outside of container in and tie a knot at both ends to secure and make the handle. Wired ribbon works best as it holds it shape. The only thing I don't love about how these turned out is the ribbon I used. I think it was a bit too bright, but I got it in the dollar ribbon section of Michael's so I tried to tell the type A side of me to let it go.You can either leave the containers covered with the paper with ribbon handles or embellish them a little bit. I used my Sizzix die cuts to make the cute chick, a scalloped circle punch, and chipboard circles to make my embellishments. I layered mine with dimensional foam adhesive squares. Here is a closer view. The foam adhesive is between the pink scalloped circle and the green covered chipboard circle and it's used again to attach the whole thing to the side of the can. You can also make a similar embellishment with a circle shape and a sticker or a tag shape with a sticker would also be cute. Fill with little treats and you're done! You've now got a cute handmade treat container AND since I used supplies from my stash I didn't have to spend any more money to get them!

Shared At: Strut Your Stuff Easter and Spring at Somewhat Simple.

24 Friends Said:

Anonymous said...

Very cute, Katie! I love those dollar spools of ribbon! ♥

Mama King said...

First of all you have the coolest craft gadgets! Second of all, I love this project! So springy and adorable.

Dawn said...

Those are adorable!! How cute! Great idea and thanks for sharing!

Jennifer said...

So creative you are!! Very cute. =)

Julie said...

This is so cute. How clever you are to have thought of it!

Tonja said...

Thank you so much for the idea! I bought those expensive easter baskets and have to take them back. Now I can make and extra one and give it to my friends little girl! You are so crafty :-)

onegirliegirl said...

OMG!!! That is just too cute!! You are just so creative. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

xoxo ~Lisa

mub said...

These are adorable! That crop-a-dial tool looks neat, I'm going to see if I can find one to take a look at =)

Be Brave, Keep Going said...!!!!!!!!

Katie said...

Very cute. Now I'm kicking myself for having finally out out several empty formula cans in yesterday's recycle bin...there would have been a reason for collecting them!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! These are just great! This would make a great gift for grandparents!!

Alicia said...

Crafty Queen strikes again!!!!
Love it!!!!! Of course I'm not surprised since you made me bring over used hot chocolate tins years ago...finally you unleash your recycle creativity on the world!!!!

Jennifer said...

oh, how stinking adorable!!!! I love these! Upcycling rocks!

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

wow! those turned out adorable!! i want one of those cropadile things!!

noelle ♥

p.s. we should chat again soon:)

Maridith said...

So cute. I am looking for an Easter basket for my son. I am embarrassed to say I do not have one for him and Easter is 4 days away. I will figure something out... Thank you for this awesome idea!!!

Niki Jolene said...



The Adventures of Bear said...

We don't do Easter baskets, but I love this idea to recycle used containers. I'm going to pretty some of my containers up and use them as pencil/crayon/paintbrush/marker holders in our new art studio. Thanks:)

Annie said...

What a great idea. Is beautiful and I like it.

Thanks for sharing.

Melonie said...

What a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing... and the step-by-step photos are fantastic.

Heidi Boos said...

These turned out adorable, Katie!! I love the paper and embellishments. I have saved so many of these kinds of containers (especially formula cans) and have used them a few times for things like this (one I turned into a container for my daughter's hair brush, comb, water bottle, detangler). I also have that Crop-A-Dile and just recently realized that it punches through metal! There's so many great things you can do with that thing.

Kris said...

What a fun idea Katie!!! You always amaze me.

RootsAndWingsCo said...

This is adorable!! I love my cropadile! I'm always trying to think of how to use things and not throw them out. This is just adorable!!


Kelley said...


Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

I did the same kind of project!! I love what you did with your upcycled containers!! Great job! :)

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