I love Gooseberry Patch Christmas books, especially after I recently checked out the eleventh edition from my library. I wanted my own copy but the 30 dollar price tag stopped me in my tracks. (BTW: It just went down ten dollars in price, because book 12 is about to come out. Maybe I'll be able to add it to my collection after all!) But I digress...anyway, a while back I ordered the 10th anniversary edition because it used to be bargain priced at only ten bucks, a steal for a hardcover, right?!
Well it's only a bargain IF you don't already happen to have it in magazine form, WHOOPS. Never going to hear the last of that one from Brad! Maybe I DO have too many crafting books and magazines, if I'm beginning to forget what I already own...nah, that can't be it! I'd love to pass my magazine version, Christmas 2009 on to a crafty friend. It's packed with delicious recipes and creative ideas: 112 pages long, retail price $10.99.
Tell me your favorite thing to make around the holidays for a chance to win. I'll pick a winner August 9th and pop it right in the mail. The winner will have plenty of time to be inspired by the first snow fall!
16 Friends Said:
My favorite thing to make during the holidays is English Toffee.
My favorite thing to make during the holidays in edible form:-) is red velvet cupcakes, holiday bark, and oh so much more!!
I have recently started making rocky road bark and marble magnets for gifts-super easy and nice to have on hand for those times when you need something quick. Plus, you can package them super cute!!
My favourite thing ... now that is hard as there are quite a few things I love about the holidays! I love to drink hot cocoa or tea with my kids (well, the tiny one is not drinking any yet ... but next year...), I love to decorate the house, to prepare presents and I LOVE baking cookies!!!! I just can't have christmas without homemade christmas cookies! But one thing I really really wanna do this year - I wanted to already the last two years! - is STRAWSTARS! My mom used to make them when I was a kid and I made some, too, as a child. I have some bought ones and the first year I celebrated christmas with my husband we did not have anything really to decorate the tree so we just used strawstars and cookies (and lights of course) - and it looked AMAZING! I really really wanna make my own ones this year! They are so cute and to me they are just THE thing for christmas! Not expensive but pretty - and crafty. And they remind me of baby Jesus (because of the straw). So ... to me that is one of my favourite things!
Thanks for the giveaway! The books/magazine looks AWESOME!
Nut clusters! They are peanuts in a mixture of melted chocolate and butterscotch chips. They are so good. We only make them at Christmastime so that makes them even better!
I love Christmas. It is definitely my favorite time of the year. We try to fill every day with fun crafts, activities, and baking.
Hi, Katie! I'm glad you lost track of what you own! :)Thanks for a chance to win!
It depends on the year but last year, the fav thing I made was a little bitty kitty gift tag. ♥
I love baking around the holidays. One of my favorite things to bake is fruitcake. I have a very old recipe and I put dried cherries, cranberries, blueberries, apricots and pineapple in it. It is really good.
I love gooseberry patch cookbooks. Their recipes always come out great.
I love to wrap presents! I know that doesnt count as making something, but it kinda does right? Haha. I also love making homemade ornaments for our annual ornament exchange.
I like to make candy, especially Martha Washingtons.
Looks like I was on the wrong account trying to post. I like to make candy especially Martha Washingtons.
My favorite thing to make is my own wrapping paper with my girls - we do all sorts on newsprint, they colour, paint, use yarn in red, green and yellow paint. This year I am going to try using a marble and paint on the paper :) I am in Canada which I think might be a problem but I had to enter just incase it was not - please leave me out if it is.
My favorite thing to make-Cranberry Vodka. Super easy and pretty too.
My favorite thing to make is cookies! I make my family cherry bits cookies and peanut butter blossom cookies!
irshsmil9 @ yahoo.com
I have many things that my family enjoy! One is a yeast bread made with almonds...we enjoy every Christmas morning. Another is homemade Caramels..the hardest part is cutting and wrapping the little squares.
Please enter me...I am a follower!
I love making Christmas cookies with my son. :)
I love making presents for my kids, but one of these days I'm going to learn how to make REALLY good fudge, too! I bet your magazine has loads of great ideas to try, so I'd love to win!
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