Yesterday we met friends and took our first trip to the cool spray zone at a local civic center. All the girls had a lot of fun!

My apologies for the quickie editing, I didn't feel like taking the time to clone out the other kids in the background below.

Part of Wordless Wednesday at:
Five Minutes for Mom,
Go Graham Go,
Jolly Mom, Two of a Kind Working on a Full House,
Mrs. Marine and the Tiny Troops,
Harriet and Friends,
Hobo Mama,
Country Girl, City Life and also Wordful Wednesday at
Seven Clown Circus.
We love spray zones, me especially because ER can run around and get wet and I don't have to be in there with her anymore. My friend Margaret and I actually managed to talk a little bit, while we watched the girls. What is your favorite way to cool off on a hot summer day?

12 Friends Said:
Everytime I see the spray park photos all over everyones blogs, I get so jealous. I have never been to one. They look so fun!
That looks like so much fun!
Have a great day!
I love those places! I did have to laugh at the quick editing.
Looks like a blast. The girls would love to be there playing with ER!
YES!!! It is the same swim suit!!!
I love Spray Zones. They are starting to add them into all of our parks around hre. I am hoping they will put one into the park that is walking distance from our house.
I love your photos...you captured some good times!
That looks like way too much fun!!
Looks like great fun for a hot day!
Looks like so much fun! We have a water park that's similar, but I haven't taken the girls there yet. I'm going to have to do that soon!! Great pics!
Aw! She is having such a fun time! Your sweet ER definitely brings the sunshine into your hearts and your blog :o)
Exactly my point when I thought of you for the Sunshine Award (aka Blog hug!)
Thank you for stopping in! I only wish that I had more hours in a day to keep up with blog reading! :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
These pictures are fabulous!! She is growing so big!
Oh, man, I need to get to one of those! That looks like so much fun.
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