Rainbows seems to be the current theme in my daughter's class, makes sense since it was just St. Patrick's Day. Since there were a few I thought I'd share my favorites.

Are your kids gaga over anything they can wear? Many of you already know my chicklet loves to wear crowns and tiaras, but they also seem to make a lot of hats for holidays in preschool, way more than I did in K-land, and they seem pretty popular with the four year old crowd. I'd never seen a rainbow hat before. It's just so darn cute!

Here's their version of a paper plate rainbow. I used to do one in kindergarten with tissue paper balls glued onto the plate to form a rainbow. This looks infinitely easier for preschoolers and is just as cute. If I go back to the class I might "borrow" this idea but have the kids do all the cutting themselves. There's no way ER cut those strips!

Then just yesterday she came home with this work of art. She's on the right, wearing a rainbow crown, in a rainbow dress, standing next to a rainbow, and I'm on the left. Seems I'm not quite a nearly as colorful, as I'm in black. Wonder if I just ate something bad or thought about how much her college education was going to cost, perhaps that led to the green face?!
These projects have been shared at my other blog,
ABC & 123: A Learning Cooperative. We have a linky party called Show & Tell, you know just like that much anticipated day at elementary school, every Tuesday. We'd love for you to join us!
1 Friends Said:
I love her painting!
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