Ever since she first noticed my mom's brightly painted toes and my pretty nails, polished for my friend Melissa's wedding, ER has been fascinated with nail polish. She'll sit on my lap and rub her finger tips over my nails; hold up my hand really close in front of her eyes and say, "Oh pretty, me too!" The look on her face after I refuse is always so so very sad.
It's hard to say no to such a tragic looking toddler, but I've had to. After all, most nail polishes and removers are full of harmful ingredients. Removers smell so strongly; I don't want that stuff anywhere near my little one's fingers, especially since they still end up in her mouth more than I'd like!

Then I got a package in the mail from
Piggy Paint, with
Tea Party for Two, a bright sparkly blue nail polish, and a bottle of their nail polish remover to try. When Daddy went out to run errands yesterday, it was the perfect opportunity for girl time with my sweetie pie! So I treated her to her very first manicure and pedicure ever!
She was thrilled and I felt safe using
Piggy Paint's non-toxic, odorless, water-based formula, hypoallergenic nail polishes on her tiny little nails. She was very excited over the color too, because it's blue like Cinderella's dress. That means it must be princess approved!

We followed their directions and applied 2-3 thin coats of
Piggy Paint Nail Polish on each hand. That might sound like a lot, but the polish air dries in 60 seconds. Then after we'd done both hands to help boost their chip resistance, we blow dried them for about a minute with my hair dryer on low. Because their polish is water based, making it safer for children, it takes longer for the polishes to be be completely hard and dry. The blower drier helps sets them more quickly so that busy little hands can be, well busy little hands!

ER sat so nicely for her manicure that I did her toesies too. It was great fun sitting with my daughter pampering her. I felt it was a pretty special moment, her very first experience with glamming it up. We had a very deep conversation too, over which park she likes to go to best. That's serious stuff! In case you're wondering, she likes the big kid park with the high slide. Oh the things you find out while bonding! The time really flew by, it wasn't tough to get her to hold still or sit with her hands exactly like I showed her, flat against the table. Because, as she told me, "I a big girl now."

I am so glad I've found
Piggy Paint, where I can get a quality product I can use with ER and not have to think about exposing her to harmful chemicals. Instead I can concentrate on learning about the important things in life, what's on the mind of my Little Miss.
When we need to remove the
Piggy Paint, I don't have to worry about dangerous solvents that smell bad and can harm the environment. Their nail polish remover is non-toxic, odorless. made from natural ingredients. contains no acetone, is hypoallergenic, and biodegradable. You have to rub it around a little bit more than traditional nail polish remover but not much. It even contains Aloe Vera and Vitamin E to supplement the natural oils that protect little one’s nails and cuticles. Like their nail polishes it's the best and safest choice for my darling daughter.

Want to try Piggy Paint with your little diva?
Shop Piggy Paint and see their selection of nail colors, one is sure to please even the pickiest of fashionistas and with so many choices you can get a shade to match every outfit! They even come in gift sets with three nail colors, or two nail colors and a remover. Your little one's fingers and toes will be the cutest and most colorful at play group! BTW, ER's nails were a big hit everywhere we went afterward our pamper me session. Everyone, and I mean everyone commented on how much they loved her nails!

They are offering my readers a
15% discount on anything on their website, including sale items now until July 31st, just use the discount code
NEST15 L. Shipping is free on orders of $25 or more so now is a great time to try
Piggy Paint. Find out about their sales and keep up with the company by following them on Twitter
A Note to ER's Grandmas...we've got a 3rd birthday coming up and The Girls Rule! Gift Pack would keep a certain granddaughter in a glittery hog heaven for a long time! Hint, hint, hint!
Disclaimer: Thank you to Piggy Paint for providing a product review sample. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and no effort was made by Piggy Paint to influence them. This post relates my personal experiences with the product; yours may differ.
11 Friends Said:
Hmmm...something to consider, but not yet for my Meghan!
Your ER is such a good little model! Look out!
I was looking for a natural nail polish for when I am finally ready to paint Emily's nails...I will have to remember this!! Thanks :0)
How fun for ER! Gotta love the blue polish! I paint Anne Hope's nails, but as I was reading your post I realized that I never use remover on her. I guess we just paint over the little pieces that actually stay for more than 2 days on her toe nails. This is a great company to know about. Thanks for sharing!
It looks like ER is so proud of her nails. It is amazing how still they will sit to get their nails painted!
I'll have to check it out. I just painted M's toenails a couple of weeks ago and was wondering how I was going to get it off without using nail polish remover. I was just going to let the paint chip away! ;) Sounds like a great Christmas gift idea (now that her birthday is already past!)
Hey sweetie thanks for stopping by. ER looks like she is just having a blast!
oh how sweet! her piggies look so cute painted:) i bet that made her day!!
So, I just passed this idea onto my mom for a Christmas gift for Mikayla. She just e-mailed me and said it will be coming in the mail. ;)
Maybe the other g ma...godmother will have to step up to the piggy paint plate!!!!
Love the pic of her all scrunched up.....
Oh yes - I've noted how happy she is. Maybe we'll have some spa time at my house later in the summer! Grammy
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