Happy Father's Day to a Daddy who's been there from the first walk and

the first night, when you had to sleep on an uncomfortable pull out chair bed and get up during the night to change and feed our newborn.

Thank you for always putting a smile on our baby's face and for helping me keep one on mine.

For taking care of us and bringing us home so she can grow up knowing her extended family.

For being there for every milestone and first time, and for also being there for

the everyday moments.

For giving our daughter the right amount of independence, while still being close by to help guide and protect.

For introducing her to new things and experiences and for helping her find the courage to try some thing for the first time.

For being a big kid at heart, who knows how to have fun...

and teaching our child how to enjoy life too.

For always showing us you love us both unconditionally, ER will always know how much she is treasured.

You are our rock and support. You're such an important person in our little lady's life and in mine too.

Happy Father's Day, Brad! We love you!
I knew Brad would be a great Dad because I know just what goes into being one!

Happy Father's Day to my Dad too, you have always given me the love I needed and the freedom to grow and be my own person. Yet, I 've always known you'd be there to support me and give me guidance whenever I need it. I am so glad we were able to move back to be near you, mom, and Dave. Having ER and becoming a parent made me realize that life is too short to not spend as much time as possible with the ones you love most.

You are a wonderful Papa to ER and one of her most favorite people in the world. Her face lights up whenever you're around. The time she spends with you is priceless. I love you Dad!
17 Friends Said:
Oh my goodness....the pictures and dedication are SO SO SO SWEET! Thank you so much for sharing! Happy Father's Day to Brad!
What a sweet post Katie!! I love the pic of ER in her fat pumpkin costume!! lol
Hugs ♥
How sweet are those. Happy Father's Day to him!
Thank You Honey, This is very sweet and touching.
I Love both of you also.
Awww great pictures! Happy Father's Day to your sweetie!
great post.
I love the sword fighting picture the best!
You are right, making the move back to MI is incredibly significant, and should be remembered!!
Lovely post, with beautiful photos!
Awe, that was a sweet post! Made me a little teary:)
The pictures are very nice. In our hospital Jason slept on a couch that was connected to the wall. I was so glad he stayed. My hormones were starting to get out of wack and I was crying a lot. Breastfeeding just wasn't go so well:(
I raise my glass to Brad for everything he does: getting us chicken cherry salad, letting us make fun of his miniatures, remembering how much Katie hates mustard sauce & letting my crazy self stay with them when I need to. Brad you are one HELL of a man!!!!
P.S. Katie's dad kicks butt too!!!
You've got one amazing husband there! Every little girl should be so lucky to have a daddy like that!
Awesome post....LOVE the photos!!
Oh Katie! What a beautiful tribute to both your husband and your own dad. Those pictures are just priceless and I'm sure the words you said meant so much to both of them.
What a sweet post!
What beautiful pictures and such a sweet post!
What a sweet post! Thank you for sharing.
Great post and great pics! Thank you for sharing!
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