This give away is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered and congratulations to Dee, comment #29,and who said, "I learned donate a portion of each sale to First Candle/SIDS Alliance and The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths and also offer safe sleep educational materials free of charge.
Like our first child, LB still needs to be swaddled to fall asleep. Unfortunately, I'm all thumbs when it comes to getting him in one. I could never master using a regular blanket to do it, that method of folding here and there just results in a swaddle that's so loose it's no use at all. Brad was a little better at turning one of our receiving blankets into a swaddle but LB is a lot longer than ER was at the same age. We could tell early on, he was going to quickly outgrown the blankets. We needed to look into other options.
As I looked for swadding products I became aware of the two aspects to swaddling safely: 1) Avoiding suffocation and 2) Preventing Hip Dysplasia. Prior to this rearch I was mainly worried about suffication from the blanket coming loose and working its way up to covering his mouth as he kicked around. Here are some tips from Dr. Tanya Altmann, Pediatrician and Mother, provides tips for swaddling safely in this video, specifically about avoiding suffocation.
I'll admit I didn't know that much about Hip Dysplasia but it is one of the most common conditions among newborn babies, affecting about 1% of North American newborns (about 75,000 per year). To learn more about this condition and how to swaddle safely, here is a video from Dr. Charles Price, Director of the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.
We were having to swaddle the little guy pretty tightly and I read that we shouldn't extend LB's legs straight when swaddling. There’s a temptation to stretch the legs out and that needs to be resisted...but it's oh so hard to because it seems impossible to get him into any kind of swaddle without doing just that! Babies need to be able to straighten themselves out naturally and gradually. There should be room in the swaddle – or sleepsack – for babies to bend at the hips. By now I was getting kinda worried about hip dysplasia!
It's a relief to have a product I can use to ease my concerns and I just love how easy the HALO SleepSack Swaddle is to use! I'll show you! To start, unzip the garment and place your child on top. Put the arms through as shown and zip up. Now your baby is in the sack like design, that's roomy and can't be kicked off.
Pull one side of the swaddle wrap over and tuck under. Then pull the other side over and press down. The fastener strips will secure the swaddling. Sometimes LB struggles a bit at first, but the swaddle wrap has always stayed securely in place. Here he is, all swaddled up in HALO SleepSack Swaddle and ready for sleep. I love its soft fleecy feel and how even the fastener strips are soft, no worries about them brushing against baby and scratching him. It's getting cold in Michigan, and I was concerned about LB being warm enough. I don't have those fears any more because I feel this will give him the extra layer he needs. The sleeveless design will keep him warm but not overheat. The area for his legs and feet is nice and roomy. He gets the comfort from being gently swaddled but I think he also has more freedom of movement than with a traditional swaddle.
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30 Friends Said:
I would choose the organic cotton swaddle in cream in size newborn!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I learned that swaddling can help prevent infant hip displaysia.
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I follow Halo on twitter @JCausby
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I follow via GFC
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I love the Plush Dot Velboa SleepSack® Swaddle in a size small.
I follow halo on twitter. 1amypugmire.
email subscriber.
Despite having just had a daughter, I'd like a neutral Swaddle for E!
derekannette at gmail dot com
I like some of their partnerships!
I follow you with GFC!
the neutral swaddle for brea
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
gfc debijackson
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
twu as jacksondeb
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
tw them as jacksondeb
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I`d choose the 100% Cotton SleepSack in Soft Pink Small for my baby girl
(Lori Thomas)
ctymice at gmail dot com
I learned Never dress your baby too warmly for sleep; keep room temperature 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit
Lori Thomas
ctymie at gmail dot com
Follow Halo Sleepsack on Twitter(CrftyDuchess)
Lori Thomas
ctymice at gmail dot com
Follow u on Twitter(CrftyDuchess)
Lori Thomas
ctymce at gmail dot com
Follow with Google Friends Connect(Lori Thomas)
Lori Thomas
ctymice at gmail dot com
Subscriber to email
Lori Thomas
ctymice at gmail dot com
I would love a small girl one for my baby that was born last week!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Great giveaway! We didn't swaddle until last night when I realized it would help when transitioning to the crib. So now we have to start!
I think we would need a small in a neutral color.
I am pregnant with #3 and would love the pink Plush Dot Velboa SleepSack® Swaddle.
I learned donate a portion of each sale to First Candle/SIDS Alliance and The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths and also offer safe sleep educational materials free of charge.
I follow them on twitter @twoofakind
follwo you on twitter
I already follow via GFC
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