After our first attempt to pick apples last week failed, the local place we tried at the reccommendation of a friend turned out to not be a UPick place, we went back to our old stand by orchard.

It's the one we've been taking ER to for years, it's just quite a hike for us. But as you can tell the lengthy drive was worth it! We found plenty to pick.

As usual ER was accompanied by
a cast of characters her grandparents, me, and my brother...no Brad because evidently work likes him to show up on random Tuesdays.

My new favorite picture of ER, there is just something about fall that always makes for the most beautiful pictures.

Thanks to my brother Dave for treating us all to a fun time and a ton of apples! Although, he might not have offerred, had he realized that giant bag was going to cost $20! Brad wants to know why UPick costs so much when you're doing all the work. I told him it's the experience you're paying for. He didn't have a response to that, but I'm pretty sure he was thinking he'd rather have $20.

Shared At Wordless Wednesday at
Five Minutes for Mom,
Go Graham Go,
Two of a Kind Working on a Full House, and Wordful Wednesday at
Parenting by Dummies.
Here are some tips on how to pick and store fresh apples from
Kraft's Delicous Days, these are real handy for me have now! I didn't realize apples stored in a bag inside the fridge could last so long!
Once your pantry is all stocked up with yummy fruit, you'll need something to do with them. How about this easy recipe for 20-garlic-clove chicken – only 5 ingredients! We love garlic!
I hope our pictures inspire you to get to the apple orchards, it really is a fun family activity and you end up with delicious fruit to enjoy afterward. Do you have a favorite way to use apples? Now that I've got a big bag of them in my pantry, I need suggestions! Please leave them in the comments.

Disclosure: Information and video links on Kraft's Delicious Days was provided to me via a representative.
7 Friends Said:
We went apple picking yesterday, too! There were nearly as many apples on our trees, though. Your pictures turned out great; ER is adorable!
fun! we are planning to go this weekend after our first attempted failed too (due to heavy rain). i love the photo of your daughter by the apple tree branch. gorgeous!
Awwww what great photos. Apple picking it's lots of fun, and so many amazing treats to make with them:)
she's beautiful!!
Adorable pics of ER! We loved apple picking this year, it was the girls first and now a tradition :)
Love your photos, especially the first one in the middle of the apple tree.
Shibley Smiles
Haha your brother sounds like my brother ( - :
Also named Dave.
ER is so cute. I know I always say that but it's true!
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