These may be my last few hours of feeling little baby kicks and seeing my stomach move. The last time I'll have a baby belly to look down at and marvel on the wonders of the human body and all it can do. It might be the last few hours of excited anticipation, nervous and happy all at once. There is just something magical about expecting a new life, a specialness that one remembers long after the baby is walking and telling you she can do it, "All by myself!"
Today we will be welcoming a new little love and our lives will be forever changed, just as they were a little over five years ago when ER joined us. I am thankful for all the time we've had to parent and enjoy her little personality. I treasure all the moments of it being just "Mommy and Me" and am looking forward to discovering a new child's quirks and unique aspects to love. I'm excited to watch him grow and note who he takes after and what features on his little face will mirror my own. Mainly I am looking forward to holding him in my arms, gazing into those eyes, and the start of a new adventure!
I'd also like to say thank you to my mom, who's one reason I can feel relaxed going into my procedure tomorrow. I won't be worrying how ER is doing, since Mom will be with her back at home. She came over and spent the second half of her birthday with us, and will be helping me care for both ER and the baby the first couple of weeks. She helped and supported us so much the first time around, by flying from MI to NM and moving in for about ten weeks, while I was on bed rest and after ER was born. It wouldn't be quite the same without you mom, thanks for everything! I love you!

15 Friends Said:
Enjoy every single second of it, Katie. Can't wait to meet the new little one :)
Aww! Enjoy and best of luck to you! Can't wait to see pictures of the new little one!
Thinking of you and sending you warm hugs and wishes. I can't wait to see the new baby!
Katie, I can't believe that it is the day already! You are going to do just beautifully and you are truly a wonderful mom! In my experience of being a mom of 5, the new "little quirks" are never ending and still to this day amaze me each and every time I see the kids learning something new or expressing their each individual personality. CONGRATULATIONS to you and the entire family!
That is so awesome that your Mom can help you all like that!!
I'm very excited for you and can't wait to see the baby!!
What an exciting day!! Best of luck to you I will be thinking about you and your family!
Congratulations Katie! Wishing you and your family the best of luck and many blessings!
Have been thinking of you today and praying for good health for you and the baby...can't wait to meet him!
Take care (((hugs)))
Louise x
I love the photos! You have our prayers for a safe delivery, and I'm looking forward to "meeting" your beautiful baby boy!
By now the newest member has made his entrance into the world. Much love on your little bundle of joy!
So excited for you and the family!!!
Good luck, and thinking of you today :) Can't wait to see the baby pics.
I can't wait to see pictures of the new little guy! I've been praying for you.
Beautiful post, Katie. These were my sentiments too before my son was born, both cherishing my time with my daughter, and also all the help my mom was during a difficult last few months of my pregnancy.
I am thinking about you and hope you all are healthy and safe!
Sweet, sweet post & such an exciting time! Can't wait to hear about how it all went!
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