You will need: felt by the bolt, embroidery thread, disappearing ink pen (also called a quilter's pen), newspaper, fiberfill for stuffing, and an assortment of buttons.
Use 3 strands of embroidery thread to attach buttons onto felt, making outline of shape first and then filling in. When finished lay button covered piece down on top of a matching or coordinating felt. The two pieces of felt should be right side to right side, as you'll be turning them inside out when done. Use a running stitch to attach to each other, or sew on a machine. Leave approximately three inches open to turn and stuff. Cut around sewed on piece. Turn inside out, stuff with fiberfill and whip stitch closed. The finished pillow is a little less than 12 inches square due to stuffing.
I didn't follow that exact method, but it's the one I would have used if I didn't come up with the "brilliant", i.e. more time consuming idea to make two pillows out of one. I completed both pillow "fronts" and then used a running stitch to sew them together right side to right side, before turning them inside out and finishing. Remember, I'm avoiding actually using my sewing machine, still scared of it I suppose! I have a pink pillow front with the button heart and by turning it around I have a red felt pillow front with a white button snowflake on it. It's too late to use the red side for Christmas but it's all ready for next year. I thought this 2 for 1 would give me less to have to store! I really love how it came out, and I did the whole thing in an afternoon.
19 Friends Said:
Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog!
I am a total royal freak. My obsession with Marie Antoinette started after I saw the movie with Kirsten Dunst. But I have always been Royal Crazy since I was a teenager.
I love your altered baby book. I never really thought about doing them, but yours is quite cute. I might have to add that to my to do list:)
I also love your button pillows. I also love buttons. From time to time I would buy a whole bunch from the discount bucket at the craft store.
Your daughter is so cute!
Take care.
I am back. I was over at BATW and realized you are also from Michigan. What a hoot!
I LOVE your heart button pillow! I have a whole bunch of buttons -- not sure where I got them, maybe from my grandma? -- and this would be a great way to use them. Thanks for sharing this adorable idea.
Thanks Vickie and Lynn, I appreciate your comments a lot! It's was fun to actually make something I've been threatening to do for months!
I absolutely love that pillow! I wish I took a little more time to do crafty things but I have been reserving all my crafty time for scrapbooking so far! I saw that you're a fellow Michigan blogger at Blog Stalkers and I can also see that you're a SITS girl too! Yay! I'm happy to meet you.
Katie ~ SOOOO nice to meet you! I'm so glad you stopped by a few minutes ago. I grew up in Ypsilanti and moved to Saline 24 years ago. You must let me know how you like Apple Annie's when you go - or better yet, email me sometime and I can meet you there! :o)
Oooh. I love this pillow. Note to self: gotta make this adorable button pillow! :)
Wow, this is really cute. I also have an insane button obsession. Buttons and fabric!! What a great way to use those buttons. This reminds me of a card I saw, but I like this better. People toss cards. Pillows--not so much!
Oh! I love that heart pillow...too cute! My g'ma had a huge tin of buttons and we used to play with it all the time growing up. One day months after she passed away I suddenly remembered those buttons and I'm assuming they were sold in the auction. I wish I had thought to save them!
These pillows are adorable. I love buttons and I love pillows, perfect.
Cute! I will have to start hoarding buttons now :)
Hi Katie! I found your post through Tip junkie today and I must say this is a most creative use of buttons! I have a button hoard myself; now I have a few ideas to think upon for their use! The heart pillow is so very sweet, I just love hearts. :-) Have a wonderful day!
Absolutely adorable!! Have been looking for something easy and cute for V-day! Thanks for sharing!!
Love the heart button pillow, you did a great job by varying the sizes...most people would outline in one size button, this is soooo much nicer. stop by my blog for some fun ideas too! http://www.creativejewishmom.com
I'm in love with this. Maybe a little jealous!!! I am featuring this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com Grab mY "featured" button.
I love you buttons pillows. They turned out so cute. I'm going to have to make one for my daughter's room. She would love it too.
It's fantastic!!
I will try to make a similar one! :D
Laura from Italy
Wow its so simple and lovely i surely go for this..its so simple and attractive.....
Such a great pillow!
I'm going to use it and link back to you on my site, SAS Interiors @ www.sasinteriors.net, for a V-day Special!
I'm your newest follower...hop on over and Be Inspired by great design!
~Jenna, SAS Interiors
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