That means we'll have yet another July birthday - that makes Brad, ER, my Mom on the 28th, and the baby possibly on the 29th. If I happen to go into labor or something happens that means I have to deliver before this Friday, I'll have a C section at that point. So any way you look at it, this baby is coming on or by the 29th. My hospital bag is packed and we're all ready to go!
I'm happy the end is coming and wondering if we're actually going to make it to then because sometimes I feel like this baby is going to drop out of me. I know, if only it were that easy, right? I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks and while not true contractions, because I can still talk during them, they are getting very intense and uncomfortable. It's always an odd thing when you see your stomach moving all over the place!
I have been feeling fine, my blood pressure meds and insulin levels were both increased and those have helped stablize things so I'm not having to run to Triage - been three twice so far. I was back again a week ago today, because over the weekend my blood pressure had spiked. Wouldn't you know it, by the time I was hooked up to everything, it had lowered to normal rates, of course! All the lab work came back normal and didn't indicate preelcampsia. The one thing that's back with a vengence is the swelling, by the end of the day my feet and ankles are swollen and uncomfortable but I don't think there's any way around that!
Thursday was busy too, as it was ER's fifth birthday. We had wanted to take her to the lake but it was just too hot for me. We went to Chuck E. Cheese instead, Noodles & Co. for dinner, and then to Barnes & Noble for a sweet treat with our Kid's Club coupon. Friday I took her to my non stress test at the Perinatal Assessment Center and thank goodness the test went fine and we didn't have to go to triage. We came home and then were off again to meet friends at our favorite indoor climbing place. Saturday I had enough energy to take out all the baby fabric I've collected and ironed it all out. Finished some projects too! The weekend ended with meeting my family for lunch yesterday, to celebrate my mom's birthday early. Now I am planning on taking it easy and doing some small projects around the house in preparation for Friday!

16 Friends Said:
Good luck, Katie! Rest up and enjoy this week :)
How exciting to know you'll be holding your baby by the end of the week! We'll be praying for everything to go smoothly for you.
How exciting!!!! Congrats!!!
So excited for you!
How exciting! I can't believe it's time for the baby already. I remember when you first announced you were pregnant. Where does the time go?!
Have a great week and I'll be thinking of you all!
Katie, you look amazing. I can hardly believe that the little guy will be here so soon. Hugs to all of you as you enjoy the last few days of life as a family of three.
Congratulations! You look great. I hope your C section goes well and good luck with your new baby.
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You have been such a trooper through this whole pregnancy! Thanks for sharing it with us! I'm amazed and how much you have done, accomplished, and places you have taken ER to visit. Enjoy the rest of your week! Good luck on Friday! I'll say a prayer for you and the baby! :)
I think I'm as excited for you as I am for myself. I hope you make it until Friday but if not, at least you are prepared and you know he will be here this week. Have you decided on a name yet? If not, you're running out of time but I still think Bob Steve (I think it was) is a pretty cool name (just not for my baby..LOL)!!!
I've put myself back to resting as my ankles started swelling again last night. It's the weirdest thing...only one really swells at a time. Can't wait to "meet" your little boy and I'm glad we've gotten to make this journey together!
I'll be thinking about you! I can't wait to hear all about the new baby. :)
Yay! You look great. Good luck on Friday!
Best of luck with your new baby, Katie. Who knows, maybe it's here already! :)
You are adorable. Good luck! You will love the age difference in the kids - ER will be so helpful (mine are 6 years apart!)
Thinking about you! Wow you'll have the baby soon, how exciting:)
Super excited for you, Katie! I hope that you have a safe delivery. Can't wait to see your new precious baby boy!
I've been way behind on my blog reading & as I was catching up I kept waiting to read that you had already had your baby :-) I will be praying for you tomorrow! Thanks for sharing so much of your pregnancy story with us *hugs*
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